Monday, March 31, 2014

Emmerson's Bday weekend...

We had Emmerson's party the weekend after her birthday - yes on the ONE Saturday where it has not been warm, sunny and beautiful - ugh!  Gigi, Uncle Scotty and Alex all came in town to help us celebrate - we had a great time! 
Trying to use a spoon - what a MESS!
Have to explain Carter's outfit for the day...he had a soccer game right before (hence the soccer uniform) and it was chilly so he insisted on wearing his Superman hoodie. The black gloves were in the pockets from one cold day at school - so naturally he had to wear those too - haha!

Dinner at our favorite place - Salsa!

Best buddies!

Crazy Uncle Scotty!

Love those pigtails!

An action shot from playing at the park at E's party.

These are SO out of order...

She wanted to suck on the wax candle - not on the cupcake, ha!

Helping Sis blow her candle out.

Hilarious expression as everyone was singing to her...

Too funny...

Opening presents...

I know this pic is blurry...but it was just so sweet the way she was listening to me read her cards to her :)

Watching the silly boys play basketball in the driveway...

Yes - C dressed as a fireman to play basketball in the driveway Sunday afternoon - ha!

Had to include this last picture...

From one evening last week...this baby does NOT sleep at daycare (see previous post of sleeping AT the lunch table).  So she straight fell asleep in her highchair eating dinner.


Emmerson is ONE!

Baby girl is 1!  Wow...hard to believe it's been a year since this sweet little girl was born.  She is doing great.  She still weighs 25 pounds (95 %) and is a whopping 31 inches (90%)! She has grown 3 inches in 3 months.  Holy moly! But she is healthy as can be :)  I was on Spring Break on her actual birthday, so the 3 of us took a fabulous trip to the zoo!  See pics below :)  And I must explain the first picture.  This was a few weeks ago while she was at school.  I know I have explained in previous posts how they let her rock herself to sleep at the table.  Well she did that one day, they moved her to her crib and she woke up immediately screaming!  She was sick at the time, so they knew how important it was for her to nap.  So they put her back at the table, she went back to sleep, and they left her there for her nap.  So...sad...

Macaroni and cheese!

First Chick-Fil-A french fry - YUM!

Ready for the zoo!

So cute...

What is Juba thinking...

What is Emmerson thinking...

So cool...yet so terrifying that he is SO close to them (and me!)

Had to feed the giraffes!  Tricky while holding two kiddos though, let me tell you! 

Love this pic...that penguin was swimming right in front of them!

The koala bear was actually AWAKE!  First time EVER for us to see him like this...

Family selfie on the train!

Trying to get a cute pic at the end of the day...not quite successful ;)


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Carter's Birthday - Part 2!

Aside from Carter's AWESOME Spider-Man / Pump It Up Party, Carter also started his first soccer season that very same day!  He looks SO adorable in his uniform...and he LOVES to run around on the field.  Has he gotten the hang of going after the ball yet?  Not quite...but it's super cute ;) 

On Carter's actual birthday, Willow Bend Learning Center did a "Celebration of Life" for him.  This is a Montessori tradition in lieu of having birthday parties.  There are a few pics's really sweet.  They share pictures of themselves from birth to present.  And I got to write down all of the fun adventures he had each year, milestones he met, etc.  He was really excited about doing it :)
Soccer stud!

This makes it look like he actually knew what he was doing - ha!

New scooter he got from his friend Luke!  We were practicing in the garage.

Carter and Emmerson the morning of his actual birthday before school.  SO sweet...

Showing his newborn picture at his Celebration of Life...

Blowing out his 4 candles to symbolize living 4 years on Earth (See the blue / green ball?  That's the Earth he carried around to represent the Earth rotating around the sun each year)

He got to pick one "special friend" to be his helper during his Celebration.  He picked Julia :)

Being super silly for the camera!

I just can't believe my sweet, sweet boy is 4...

Monday, March 10, 2014

Carter's Birthday - Part 1!

My little Spider-Man turned 4 on February 25! He was determined to have another party at Pump It Up - and insisted that everyone dress like Super Heroes (or at least wear a Super Hero t-shirt). I even wore a Batman t-shirt and Emmerson wore a Superman t-shirt - but sadly no pics. Daddy was home super sick in bed all weekend, so unfortunately in all the mayhem I wan't able to take all the pics I would have liked to. The whole weekend turned into a game of survival for me - ha! But all in all, it was a blast! And exactly what C asked for :)
LOVE this picture...we had all the kids lined up - and look at the two little goons in the middle.  Yep - those are mine.  Laying on their backs.  I guess E fell over and took C with her.  HILARIOUS!

All the sweet kiddos...

Such a cute little Spider-Man!
Not sure what my Mom was asking him to do in this pic - but it's what he gave her - ha!