Friday, April 25, 2014

Fun videos!

A couple of videos I took last night...The first one shows exactly how Emmerson is CRAZY about Carter!  He makes her laugh like no one else...and I LOVE how she is kind of trying to imitate what he is doing to the sand box  / yelling.  Melts.My.Heart.  The second one is our big girl taking some steps!  So super cute...

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Emmerson is 13 months old...and Easter fun!

Sweet little E is 13 months old!  This last month has seemed quite long...she has been fighting strep and an ear infection (currently on her second round of antibiotics).  So she has not been a very happy camper!  Poor girl.  We have been at the doctor's office about 4,327 times...and have another appointment next week.  If her ears aren't clear, we're headed to see an ENT (sigh).  Prayers for her health would be much appreciated!  Other than the ear issues / strep, she is great.  She is starting to enjoy more big girl food - especially macaroni & cheese (go figure!).  She also likes grilled cheese, oranges, mashed potatoes, strawberries and Chick-Fil-A nuggets & waffle fries (that's my girl!)  She is definitely becoming more brave in trying new things.  It's just taking a lot longer than it did for Carter!  She loves standing and climbing.  She loves playing in Carter's sand table, swinging and doing ANYTHING outside.  Literally we have moved her high chair outside - and this is where we eat EVERY meal.  Ok by me - b/c I love being outside too!  Until the temp gets to be 100 degrees this summer...don't know what we'll do then! She is also starting to say more...ball is her favorite word!  She says Dada, Mama, Da (for dog - anytime she sees Jake, Tyson or Grace) and I SWEAR she tries to say Carter ALL...THE...TIME.  Because of course he is still her favorite person in the world!  And the biggest news is she has taken her first steps!  But she is SO cautious...she just stands there, reaching out for me like "help me Mommy!" Then she usually just sits back down and crawls.  But she's done it!  So I know she'll get more confident in the days / weeks to come.  Then there will be no stopping her!

In spite of her not feeling well, we were able to go to church for Easter - AMAZING!  We even made it through the whole service without being called out for her - woo hoo!  (The weekend before, we got called out because she started crying, got so worked up that she vomited - awesome).  Carter had his last soccer game that weekend too - and scored 2 goals!  (We won't mention how at least one was in the other team's goal - ha!)  We also got to spend some quality time at Tim's parents house with the Williams side of the family.  All in all, a nice weekend spent together in awe of and focused on Christ's resurrection...thank you Lord for all you have done!

So tired at dinner...

Silly faces!

Easter Egg Hunt at Willow Bend Learning Center with Carter's best bud!

Just say 'no' to the Easter Bunny!  Ha!

Poor thing...

They had a petting zoo as well...

About as excited with the real bunnies as she was with the Easter Bunny!

Easter goodies for C!

More goodies for our little lady :)

She LOVED sitting in this chair.

Happy girl!

Trying to get a cute how Carter is posing...

And now crossing his feet...probably thinking "Come on lady, I have better things to do than pose for pictures!"

Such a big girl!

E being silly with Colson.

E and Nolan.

Cutie pie!

Emmerson's first Easter Egg Hunt!  She found one egg...then sat down and practiced picking it up, putting it in her basket, taking it out and repeating...and repeating...and repeating...

E and DD :)

All the boys...big and small...playing Frisbee in the backyard.

This little girl loves playing ball! 

The whole Williams gang.  Can't believe we got all the kiddos looking - it's an Easter miracle!  ;)

Pops being silly taking the boys for a ride in the wheel barrow.
This is what I mentioned above...she found her one egg.  And here she sat.  Putting it in and out of her basket - too cute!

Pops really wanted a pic of everyone in front of his pecan tree :)

Monday, April 21, 2014

Loving Science!

Carter has been learning about the Solar System at school...I guess he's totally into it - bc the info is sticking in his brain, that's for sure! (LOVE the name of the 2nd planet...I just can't find it within myself to correct him - ha!)