Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Sibling Class at Baylor Frisco...

This past Saturday, Carter and I went to a Sibling Class at Baylor Frisco.  Oh my gosh - so cute!  You were supposed to be 3 and up to attend (but he's close enough - right?!).  He did such a good job...it was adorable.  I'll explain as we go...
The first thing we did is make a sign for Emmerson's crib...so she'll see her big brother every day, first thing when she wakes up :)

Because there were scissors involved (a slight obsession of Carter's) he was not interested in coloring anything except the "O."  He did tell me what letter to make what color on the rest though ;)  So it still is technically his creative masterpiece!

So proud! 

After the tour of the hospital, we had some "pratice" working with babies...Look at his face.  He kept saying "Awwwww...."

They showed them how to change diapers...

How to hold them...

He was being so gentle and sweet...

Melted my heart...

They even taught them how to swaddle the babies!  I love this pic because the poor baby girl is blurry because he slung her up so fast when he was done!  Haha!
He was patting her back, as he listened to the nurse.

And even practiced giving her a paci! 
He did such a great job - we know he is going to be the best big brother EVER!  Less than 4 weeks to go...Emmerson is due to arrive March 18!  Everything is going great...now we just wait...


  1. What?? Only 4 weeks away?? Wow that flew by! Can't wait to see pics of baby E!

  2. I know - too fast! Guess we better make sure we're ready!! ;)
