Thursday, March 3, 2011

1 year old...

Oh my goodness...our little boy is 1! It is so hard to believe. I can remember the day he was born, like it was yesterday (And if I can be honest for a minute, there are times that I just want to go back...have him all over again...experience this last year again. But at the doctor's office for his 1 year wellness checkup, a nurse named Mel, who is so precious & sweet gave me some great advice that someone had once given her. She said not to miss the joy of today, because you are spending so much time thinking about and mourning what has passed. Well put, and so I begin trying to not wish time back, but enjoy every great joy this little boy brings us each day!)

Anyways, Carter is seriously one big ball of AWESOME-NESS! He weighs 24 pounds and is 30 inches long. His doctor said he is doing great! (Except for a visit to the ENT that is now in order. Booooo!) He absolutely loves, loves, loves to be outside! We have spent so much time on walks / jogs, playing in the backyard and at the park. It makes me SO excited about getting to do so much fun stuff outside with him this summer! One of his favorite things right now is playing catch! Oh my gosh, does he love it! The only problem is, he does not differentiate between playing catch with balls & playing catch with keys, hats, sippy cups (see where I am going with this?!). He only eats table food now, and drinks whole milk (bye bye Enfamil! ) with a new favorite stepping into the picture...mexican rice! He also loves playing with his toys (especially his basketball goal) and playing with Tyson! (There are 2 videos at the end of the post where you can see him playing basketball & playing with Tyson - too cute!) And the walking...oh the walking! He is doing so great with it. I think he is finally figuring out that walking IS more efficient than speed-crawling! He can even walk, bend over pick up a ball, and then stand back up & keep walking. What a big boy! Pictures of his 1st birthday ~ coming soon!

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