Friday, December 5, 2014

Monday, November 3, 2014

Happy Halloween!

We had a great Halloween this year!  Carter was the Red Power Ranger and Emmerson was a Bumblebee :) It started at the kids' school on Friday afternoon for a costume parade / party / trick or treating.  Then we spent the rest of the evening with Carter's friends from his t-ball Team.  I'd say there were around 10 families and a zillion kids!  It was really fun :) The kids did so well - and CRASHED on the way home! 

The video below is of Emmerson's role in the cute!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Tonight, I rocked Emmerson to sleep as usual. We read a ton of books in the rocking chair, turned off the lights then I started to sing to her. All she wants to hear is "ABCs" or color songs from school like "R-E-D." So as I finish one, she will always say "more ABC" or "more R-E-D?" So this ensues as usual tonight. HOWEVER as I re-start one of the songs (at her request!) she suddenly changes her mind and decides to yell "SHHH! Quiet!! No Mama!" Yep. 19 months old. Sassy is an understatement. Makes you wonder what lies ahead...#weareintrouble

Fall thus far...

I did not realize it had been so long since I had!  Things have been crazy - as usual.  The kids are doing great!!  Emmerson is now 19 months old - growing up and changing like crazy!  At her 18 month checkup, she was almost 34 inches (95th percentile) and 29 pounds (90th percentile).  Growing SO much!  She his talking a TON.  She can even sing her ABCs (I am trying to get it on video - and I have gotten parts.  But it's like she knows - and chooses to do the opposite of what Mommy says!  Hmmmm...sounds like her brother! Ha!)  Her favorite person in the whole world is still Carter.  Even this morning, she ran into our room, where I was getting ready and Carter was laying in bed.  She looked at me - but turned and ran to HIM!  I did get a hug too, but I was second :( She is doing great in school - it seems like she does a good job of following the rules.  She is super happy when she is there - and the love seems to go both ways!  They adore her.  She is one little spirited lady!  She has quite the personality - super smart, very head strong, determined, energetic (I think she runs everywhere she goes!), sassy - she's just all kinds of awesome!  And a LOT like her sweet brother :)

Carter is doing great as well!  He is 4 1/2 - cannot BELIEVE 5 is around the corner.  Makes me so sad!  He is still the absolute BEST, SWEETEST brother to Emmerson.  He is so kind, gentle, sweet and encouraging with her.  It just melts my heart.  He is doing great in school too!  He seems to enjoy it - although I think he's pretty done with Pre-K!  All he talks about is being in Kindergarten, in fact that's what he wants to play when he gets home (which is hard for Mommy because I "play" school all day, every day - ha!)  He is incredibly smart and good with numbers.  He can count really high - pretty sure he has made it to 100 - he can skip count by 2s, 10s, etc.  He also seems really interested in starting to learn to read.  He hears words and tries to sound them out - figure out what they start with, end with, etc.  And even likes to be "quizzed" on things like that.  Such a smart boy!  He is also hilarious - talk about a personality!  He, just like his sister, is very spirited.  Very smart, very head strong, determined, and energetic.  But he is also sweet, compassionate and very loving.  Love this boy (and his sister) SO much!
Love these pigtails!
Best friends, eating dinner together!

Go Texans!

LOVE this face...

Cute little tummy!

Her hair is SO long!

Beautiful girl...

Go Royals!

The way we shop at Tom Thumb!  So cute...

Reading with Gigi...

At Carter's t-ball game.  Go Blue Jays!

Her sweet face melts my heart!

Little stud!

Little Miss Sass getting ready for church!



I know this post is sideways...but it is SO funny!  Tim took this video a few weeks ago, when I was already at work.  Just a perfect picture of how little Emm copies EVERYTHING Carter does...the story of our lives!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

First Day of School!

Yesterday was the first day of Pre-K for Mr. Carter!  And little E is in the Toddler B classroom now.  SO cute! 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The rest of summer...where did it go?!

The post title says it all...Summer has come to a close VERY quickly!  We had a really fabulous rest of our summer - lots of fun stuff captured in the pics below!
Got to build a bug house at Home Depot one Saturday morning.  Carter LOVES going to these...we've been taking him since he was 2!

Lots of backyard pool fun!  Love these little pigtails :)

So much good ol' hanging out time with me and the kids.  Especially in the mornings! 

Play time and story time at the library!  (Side note:  1 year olds CANNOT really handle the library.  We had to make some mad dashes out when she would take pure JOY in ripping all the books off shelves!  Ha!)

Such a sweet pic Allison took of C at the zoo...

Another great shot that Allison got!

Wouldn't be summer without trips to the zoo!

This never gets old...

Such a little beauty...

Mommy and Carter had a movie date to see Rio 2.  And Daddy and Carter had a movie date to see Planes: Fire and Rescue!

We've realized this poor little girl has NO girl toys...

Loving Starbucks just like Mommy :)

Sweet, sweet time with great friends!  LOVE these kiddos and their families! 

First family beautiful Galveston!  The seaweed was...well...there.  And in abundance.  But it didn't stop anyone from having some fabulous fun!

This little one LOVED the beach.  For hours upon hours a day. 

Daddy and C made some super cool guns out of these awesome blocks one morning.  So cute!

Loving time out on the porch every morning and evening!


Scotty, Alex and Gigi came down the last day and night we were there to have some family fun! 

Couldn't pay Emm to look at the camera...she just wasn't feeling it!

Sweet cousins!

Did you know that seagulls love goldfish?  As in goldfish crackers?  Everytime Emm dropped her snacks in the sand or water, we gave them to the birds!  We were their best friends :)

Daddy, Emm and C...and our best friend for the week, seaweed!  Seriously though, it was SO fabulous.  So relaxing.  Such a wonderful family bonding time.  And the kids were SO good, shockingly good in fact.  We literally spent 4 to 5 hours a day at the edge of the water.  Just.Playing.  SO nice to take the time out to spend this time together and make unforgettable memories!  #iwantabeachhouse