Wednesday, January 22, 2014

10 months!

Our sweet girl turned 10 months old last weekend!  Where has the time gone?!  This last month has been a whirlwind of Tim and I working like crazy, a constant cough from little lady, house updates / renovations and not a lot of sleep.  Sounds fun, huh?!  ;)  Emmerson continues to grow and change each and every day.  She is SO into everything...cruising around on every piece of furniture she can (and getting some yucky bumps and bruises from trying to pull up on things not quite strong enough to hold her!)  She has stood alone for a few seconds at a time - but no steps or anything yet (unless she is walking behind a push toy, a chair - whatever she can use!)  She makes hilarious faces (see one of the pics below).  She is eating lots of table food now.  Cheese, diced apples, bananas, mandarin oranges.  Everything we have tried, she has liked!  So we'll see what comes next.  Speaking of eating - she has figured out she can throw her food now (awesome) and she can feed Jake - also a picture below.  She loves being outside, going for walks - and clearly loves the swing at the park - check out those fabulous expressions!  She still loves her baths.  And loves to empty (and fill) anything and everything in this house.  Toy boxes, name it!  She is in the final baby room at school - and loves her teacher Misty.  Funniest thing about school - they couldn't figure out how to get her to sleep (NOT a shock considering we battle this as well).  They used the stroller once, but then they figured out that if they leave her in her seat at the table after lunch, she (because she is SO exhausted) will start to rock herself.  So they let her.  And she starts to nod off.  And then they pop her right into her crib - HILARIOUS!  Whatever works, right?!  She just isn't a great sleeper (just like her bro).  She is napping a lot better when she's at home, but still wakes up every night.  Lately it's been because of the coughing.  But sometimes I think she just wants to play or has separation anxiety or something.  She doesn't want to eat.  Who knows!  Once you think you've solved the mystery, it changes (sigh).  Just the life we lead right now... I can't believe she will be 1 soon.  That makes me so sad that this last year has flown by.  Speaking of flying by, Carter will be turning 4 soon.  How scary.  Love these little ones SO much, just wish they wouldn't grow up so quickly!!

Hilarious expression...

Jake LOVES dinner time...

Look at this chunkiness!  (And don't mind the side ponytail her teacher had given her that day!)

Bed head!

Loves those lips!

Brother's tools are so much cooler than her own toys!

I can't believe I caught this moment on camera...just melts my heart...

More brother toys - yep, those are nunchucks!

Family selfie!

PJ cuties!

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