Friday, June 25, 2010

4 months old...

Carter is 4 months old today! He went for his 4 month checkup this week and is 25 inches long & weighs 16 lbs 7 oz! Growing like crazy!! He can even sit up unassisted for up to 10 seconds before falling over. The dr was VERY impressed! His favorite things these days are playing in his gym with this mysterious baby he sees in the mirror (so funny that he has NO idea it's him!), being outside in his new swing and eating (what a shock, right?!). He LOVES his oatmeal! He actually forcefully throws his hands towards his mouth when I have the spoon near him. I think he is trying to help?! It's so funny...can't wait for him to try new veggies & fruits. Coming soon!

Disclaimer: I know his hair is out of control in some of these pics! We will be getting him his first haircut very soon. Everyone says "They shouldn't get their haircut until they are 1!" Umm....his will be longer than mine. And I am already SICK of people thinking he's a girl b/c it's so long. Too long to fix & spike...It's time!


  1. He is so stinking cute! Really need to see him in person though! :)

  2. He is so handsome!!!! I love all of his thisck pretty hair, but I know the frustrating feeling of people thinking he's a girl! =)
