Tuesday, April 27, 2010

2 months old....

On Sunday, Carter turned 2 months old. Where has the time gone?! We had his 2 month checkup yesterday. The doctor said he looks perfect! Little man is almost 23 inches now...and weighs 13 lbs 6 oz! WOW!

Here are some pictures of what he's been up to over the last few weeks. Still loves his bouncy seat (especially playing with Mommy in the mornings....check out the bed head!), playing in his gym, he sits in his Bumbo seat now, loves holding & shaking his rattles, smiling & LAUGHING...and he made his first trip to church (Picture above. Don't ask how that went! Let's just say I am quite familiar with the 'cry room' and boy is the name fitting! Ha!)


  1. cute!! he has really grown!! we need to see him!

  2. He is so adorable Ashley! I can't believe he's already two months!
